Have you thought about joining the Catholic Church?
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is a process used by Catholic parishes to welcome and prepare adults who are exploring becoming Catholic (or if already Catholic, completing their Sacraments of Initiation).
It is a journey of faith in community, during which information about the Catholic faith is shared and the drawing of one’s heart closer to God are joined to help the person live a fuller Christian life.
We have weekly evenings beginning in mid-September and ending in April.
If the participant chooses to complete the process and is ready, they generally join the Church and receive their Sacraments at the celebration of the Easter Vigil, on Holy Saturday evening.
Make Sacred Heart your Home!
Have you or someone you know been away from church for a while?
Pray about asking a family member that has left the church; maybe there's someone you know who's looking for something good to rely on in this mixed up world today.
Sometimes all it takes is to ask them and plant that seed...
Ways to Learn more about the Catholic Faith:
This is an online free to you multimedia service that includes videos, audiobooks, and ebooks. If you do not already have an account, sign up with our parish name/zip code for free access.
- Sacred Scripture
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has the New American Bible translation available online here. This is the translation used in the Mass.
Ascension Press has the full text of the Bible (RSV2CE - Revised Standard Version Second Catholic Edition) and Catechism as well as audio versions available as an app available here.
- The Catechism of the Catholic Church
The USCCB has the entire Catechism online as a flip through book available here.
The Vatican has the Catechism available online in text format here.
Pillar One:
The Creed
- CCC 26-73
- Why a God? on Formed (video, 30 min)
- Arguments for God (Why Believe?) on Formed (video, 4 min)
- Is Belief in God Wishful Thinking? (Catholic Answers) on Formed (video, 2 min)
- Is Religion a Crutch? (Catholic Answers) on Formed (video, 2 min)
- Is God's Existence Compatible with Science? (The Augustine Institute Show) on Formed (video, 33 min)
- My Soul Longs for You, O God (Echo with Bishop Hying) on Formed (video, 5 min)
- Who Designed the Designer? A Rediscovered Path to God's Existence by Michael Aurgos on Formed (ebook)
- The Big Question: God Are You There? by Matt Fradd on Formed (audio, 49 min)
- CCC 51-184
- Where Did the Bible Come From? (The Search Continues) on Formed (video, 13 min)
- What’s Wrong With Sola Scriptura? (The Search Continues) on Formed (video, 10 min)
- How Does God Reveal Himself to Us? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 7 min)
- 3 Ways God Reveals Himself to Us (Real + True) on Formed (video, 7 min)
- Divine Revelation (Symbolon) on Formed (video, 34 min)
- The Bible (Symbolon) on Formed (video, 34 min)
- God Comes to Meet Us (Echo with Bishop Hying) on Formed (video, 5 min)
- Proclaim the Gospel to Every Creature (Echo with Bishop Hying) on Formed (video, 5 min)
- What Is the Bible? (Formed Now) on Formed (video, 30 min)
- How to Study the Bible (Formed Now) on Formed (video, 30 min)
- Why Are Protestant Bibles Smaller? (Catholic Answers) on Formed (video, 2 min)
- Why is Sola Scriptura Unreasonable? (Catholic Answers) on Formed (video, 2 min)
- Dei Verbum: Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (1965) from the Vatican
- CCC 185-278
- What is the Creed and Why is it Important? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 8 min)
- Who is God? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 7 min)
- I Believe in God (Echo with Bishop Hying) on Formed (video, 3 min)
- Who is God? (Why Believe) on Formed (video, 3 min)
- Architecture and Story (Why Believe) on Formed (video, 3 min)
- The Power of Words (Why Believe) on Formed (video, 3 min)
- I Believe in God (Real + True) on Formed (video, 30 min)
- The Story of Salvation: Creation, Fall, & Redemption (Symbolon) on Formed (video, 35 min)
- The Journey of Faith: Trinity, Faith, & the God Who is Love (Symbolon) on Formed (video, 31 min)
- CCC 279-421
- Your Story and THE Story (Real + True) on Formed (video, 8 min)
- The Story of Creation (Real + True) on Formed (video, 6 min)
- God is the Creator of Heaven and Earth (Real + True) on Formed (video, 39 min)
- Story of Creation (Why Believe) on Formed (video, 4 min)
- What is Heaven? (The Search) on Formed (video, 5 min)
- Man and Woman in the Beginning (Echo with Bishop Hying) on Formed (video, 5 min)
- The Story of Salvation: Creation, Fall, & Redemption (Symbolon) on Formed (video, 35 min)
- Heaven and Earth (The Bible Project) on Formed (video, 6 min)
- Angels: God's Messengers (Formed Now) on Formed (video, 30 min)
- Angels and Demons by Peter Kreeft on Formed (ebook)
- Angels and Cherubim (The Bible Project) on Formed (video, 5 min)
- Angel of the Lord (The Bible Project) on Formed (video, 4 min)
- Satan and Demons (The Bible Project) on Formed (video, 6 min)
- Choirs of Angels, Archangels, and Guardian Angels (Angels and Saints) on Formed (video, 26 min)
- Who Are the Angels? (Formed Now) on Formed (video, 19 min)
- Who Are the Archangels? (Formed Now) on Formed (video, 30 min)
- Angels Explained by Dr Mark Miravalle on Formed (audio, 1 hr 14 min)
- Angels by Bishop Fulton Sheen on Formed (video, 1 hr 19 min)
- What the Catholic Church Actually Teaches About Everything (Real + True) on Formed (video, 8 min)
- CCC 422-682
- Who is Jesus? Just a Good Man or Lord of Our Lives? (Symbolon) on Formed (video, 34 min)
- Was Jesus a Real Person (or Really God)? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 7 min)
- Why did God become Man? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 7 min)
- Who is Jesus? (The Search) on Formed (video, 25 min)
- The Good News: God Has Sent His Son (Echo with Bishop Hying) on Formed (video, 4 min)
- Jesus Christ is True God and True Man (Real + True) on Formed (video, 37 min)
- Did Jesus Claim to be God? (Catholic Answers) on Formed (video, 2 min)
- Is Jesus a Myth? (Catholic Answers) on Formed (video, 2 min)
- The Messiah (The Bible Project) on Formed (video, 5 min)
- The Meaning and Purpose of Anointing (The Bible Project) on Formed (video, 3 min)
- Who Do You Say that I Am? with Bishop Robert Barron on Formed (audio, 1 hr 12 min)
- Jesus is... with Father Mike Schmitz on Formed (audio, 48 min)
- The Case for Jesus by Dr Brant Pitre on Formed (audio, 1 hr 14 min)
- What the Catholic Church Actually Teaches About Everything (Real + True) on Formed (video, 8 min)
- CCC 683-810
- Who is the Holy Spirit? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 7 min)
- What it Means to be Transformed by the Holy Spirit (Real + True) on Formed (video, 6 min)
- The Holy Spirit is the Lord and Giver of Life (Real + True) on Formed (video, 29 min)
- The Holy Spirit and the Life of Grace (Symbolon) on Formed (video, 38 min)
- Receive the Holy Spirit (Echo with Bishop Hying) on Formed (video, 4 min)
- Is the Holy Spirit God? (Catholic Answers) on Formed (video, 2 min)
- Is the Holy Spirit the same as the Force? (Catholic Answers) on Formed (video, 2 min)
- The Holy Spirit (The Bible Project) on Formed (video, 4 min)
- The Holy Spirit: Third Person of the Holy Trinity by Fr Shannon Collins on Formed (audio, 1 hr 7 min)
- CCC 811-945
- Why Do I Need the Church?: The Mystery of the Catholic Church (Symbolon) on Formed (video, 46 min)
- One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic (Real + True) on Formed (video, 6 min)
- The Four Marks of the Church (Echo with Bishop Hying) on Formed (video, 3 min)
- "Church" vs "church" (Real + True) on Formed (video, 5 min)
- Why A Church? (The Search) on Formed (video, 35 min)
- Why Do We Say "I Believe in the Church?" (Real + True) on Formed (video, 33 min)
- Did Jesus Make the Apostles Priests? (Catholic Answers) on Formed (video, 2 min)
- History of the Catholic Church by James Hitchcock on Formed (ebook)
- CCC 988-1065
- What Happens After We Die? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 5 min)
- Why Catholics Believe in "Life Everlasting"? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 5 min)
- How Can the Catholic Church Forgive Sins? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 7 min)
- The Last Things: What Happens After We Die? (Symbolon) on Formed (video, 41 min)
- Our Eternal Destiny (Echo with Bishop Hying) on Formed (video, 5 min)
- Go Forth, Faithful Christian (Why Believe?) on Formed (video, 2 min)
- What is Heaven? (The Search Continues) on Formed (video, 5 min)
- Is There Really a Hell? (The Search Continues) on Formed (video, 7 min)
- What is Purgatory? (The Search Continues) on Formed (video, 8 min)
- What is Sin? (The Search Continues) on Formed (video, 8 min)
- What About the Apocalypse? (The Search Continues) on Formed (video, 8 min)
- The Four Last Things by Father Mike Schmitz on Formed (audio, 1 hr 8 min)
- Purgatory by Scott Hahn on Formed (audio, 1 hr 10 min)
- Eternal Rest: The Art of Dying Well on Formed (4 video series, 30 min each)
- Death, Where is Your Sting? by Regis Flaherty on Formed (ebook)
- CCC 484-511, 946-975
- What is Intercessory Prayer? (The Search Continues) on Formed (video, 7 min)
- Who are the Saints? (The Search Continues) on Formed (video, 6 min)
- Mary: The Church's First and Most Perfect Member (Echo with Bishop Hying) on Formed (video, 4 min)
- What is the Communion of Saints? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 5 min)
- Two Things to Know about the Communion of Saints (Real + True) on Formed (video, 8 min)
- Who are the Best Role Models? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 5 min)
- The Church is a Communion of God's Family (Real + True) on Formed (video, 38 min)
- Do Catholics Worship Mary? (The Search Continues) on Formed (video, 7 min)
- Mary and the Saints: Our Mother and the Communion of Saints (Symbolon) on Formed (video, 38 min)
- Our Mother Mary (Formed Now) on Formed (video, 19 min)
- Do We Make Too Much of Mary? (Formed Live) on Formed (video, 32 min)
- The Communion of Saints (Formed Now: Sacred Art) on Formed (video, 22 min)
- Our Lady of the Rosary (Formed Now: Sacred Art) on Formed (video, 27 min)
- Are the Saints Aware of Our Prayers? (Catholic Answers) on Formed (video, 2 min)
- Is Mary the Mother of God? (Catholic Answers) on Formed (video, 3 min)
- Is There Biblical Proof of the Immaculate Conception? (Catholic Answers) on Formed (video, 2 min)
- Was the Immaculate Conception Necessary? (Catholic Answers) on Formed (video, 2 min)
- Does the Bible Disprove the Assumption? (Catholic Answers) on Formed (video, 2 min)
- Is Bowing Before a Mary Statue Idolatry? (Catholic Answers) on Formed (video, 2 min)
- Did Jesus Condemn Praying the Rosary? (Catholic Answers) on Formed (video, 2 min)
- Audio Rosary on Formed (audio, 23 min)
- Answering Common Objections: The Saints by Scott Hahn on Formed (audio, 1 hr 10 min)
- Answering Common Objections: Mary by Scott Hahn on Formed (audio, 1 hr 8 min)
- Understanding Catholic Teaching on the Blessed Virgin Mary by Tom Perna on Formed (ebook)
- The World's First Love: Mary, the Mother of God by Archbishop Fulton Sheen on Formed (ebook)
- CCC 1471-1479
- Are Indulgences Biblical? (Catholic Answers) on Formed (video, 2 min)
Pillar Two:
The Sacraments
- CCC 1113-1134, 1210-1212, 1420-1421, 1533-1535
- What are the Sacraments? (The Search Continues) on Formed (video, 8 min)
- What are the Sacraments? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 6 min)
- Why do we Look for Meaning in Signs? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 5 min)
- Are the Sacraments just Cultural Traditions? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 2 min)
- Where are the Sacraments found in the Bible? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 2 min)
- The Sacraments: Carriers of God's Grace (Why Believe?) on Formed (video, 3 min)
- So Help Me God: The Promise and Power of the Sacraments by Scott Hahn on Formed (audio, 1 hr 1 min)
- Signs of Life: Catholic Customs and their Biblical Roots by Scott Hahn on Formed (audio, 1 hr 5 min)
- Sacraments in Scripture by Tim Gray on Formed (ebook)
- CCC 1213-1284
- What is Baptism? (The Search Continues) on Formed (video, 8 min)
- Baptism: Becoming a Christian (Echo with Bishop Hying) on Formed (video, 5 min)
- What is Baptism? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 6 min)
- How Does Baptism Change You? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 3 min)
- Why We Are Baptized with Water? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 3 min)
- Have You Ever Wanted a Second Chance at Life? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 6 min)
- Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation? (Catholic Answers) on Formed (video, 2 min)
- Is Full Immersion Baptism Necessary? (Catholic Answers) on Formed (video, 2 min)
- The Wonder of Water (Why Believe?) on Formed (video, 2 min)
- Water of Life (Bible Project: Themes) on Formed (video, 5 min)
- Reborn on Formed (video series on Baptism)
- The Bible and Baptism on Formed (video series on Baptism)
- The Sacraments: Baptism and Confirmation (Symbolon) on Formed (video, 41 min)
- CCC 1285-1321
- What Happens at Confirmation? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 6 min)
- The Sacraments: Baptism and Confirmation (Symbolon) on Formed (video, 41 min)
- Sent by the Spirit: The Sacrament of Confirmation on Formed (3 video series)
- Confirmation: Consecrated for Mission (Echo with Bishop Hying) on Formed (video, 4 min)
- Is Confirmation graduation from our faith? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 3 min)
- Why do we take a Saint's name at Confirmation? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 3 min)
- Signed, Sealed, and Confirmed (Real + True) on Formed (video, 5 min)
- Confirmation: The Sacrament of Evangelization and Martyrdom by Dr. Brant Pitre on Formed (audio, 45 min)
- We Must Go Out: The Sacrament of Confirmation by Father Mike Schmitz on Formed (audio, 48 min)
- CCC 1322-1419
- The Eucharist: Source and Summit of the Christian Life (Echo with Bishop Hying) on Formed (video, 8 min)
- What do Catholics Believe About the Eucharist? (Why Believe?) on Formed (video, 2 min)
- Is Jesus Really Present in the Eucharist? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 4 min)
- The Bread of Life (Why Believe?) on Formed (video, 5 min)
- How Is God with Us in the Eucharist? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 8 min)
- How is the Eucharist "Food for the Journey"? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 6 min)
- The Eucharist: Source and Summit of the Christian Life (Symbolon) on Formed (video, 38 min)
- Who is Worthy to Receive the Eucharist? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 5 min)
- Why Can't Non Catholics Receive the Eucharist? (The Search Continues) on Formed (video, 9 min)
- Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist on Formed (4 video series)
- Bread of Life: The Eucharist in Galilee on Formed (5 video series)
- Answering Common Objections: The Eucharist by Scott Hahn on Formed (audio, 1 hr 12 min)
- The Body and Blood of Christ by Scott Hahn on Formed (audio, 1 hr 20 min)
- Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist by Dr Brant Pitre on Formed (audio, 1 hr 1 hr 8 min)
- CCC 1601-1666
- The Sacrament of Marriage (Echo with Bishop Hying) on Formed (video, 5 min)
- Beloved: Finding Happiness in Marriage on Formed (12 session video series)
- What is Marriage? (The Search Continues) on Formed (video, 6 min)
- What is the Difference between Divorce and Annulment? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 4 min)
- What are Marriage Vows and why are the so Important? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 4 min)
- What Makes Catholic Marriage a Sacrament? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 6 min)
- What about Divorce and Annulments? (The Search Continues) on Formed (video, 12 min)
- Matrimony and Holy Orders: Service and Communion (Symbolon) on Formed (video, 42 min)
- CCC 1536-1600
- Holy Orders (Echo with Bishop Hying) on Formed (5 min)
- Why A Priesthood? (The Search Continues) on Formed (video, 12 min)
- What is the Difference Between Bishops, Priests, and Deacons? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 6 min)
- How does Someone Become a Catholic Priest? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 6 min)
- How are Priests Ordained for Ministry? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 4 min)
- Why does the Catholic Church have Priests? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 5 min)
- Called: Discover Your Vocation on Formed (5 session video series)
- Matrimony and Holy Orders: Service and Communion (Symbolon) on Formed (video, 42 min)
- CCC 1499-1532
- What is Anointing of the Sick? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 6 min)
- Penance and Anointing of the Sick: God's Mercy Revealed (Symbolon) on Formed (video, 45 min)
- Anointing the Sick and the Dying (Echo with Bishop Hying) on Formed (video, 6 min)
- When should you get Anointing of the Sick? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 6 min)
- CCC 976-987, 1422-1470, 1480-1498
- How are sins forgiven in the Sacrament of Confession? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 6 min)
- Why Confess to a Priest? (The Search Continues) on Formed (video, 11 min)
- Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession on Formed (3 video series)
- Penance and Anointing of the Sick: God's Mercy Revealed (Symbolon) on Formed (video, 45 min)
- The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation: God is Rich in Mercy (Echo with Bishop Hying) on Formed (video, 5 min)
- Do I really need to confess my sins to a priest? (Real + True) on Formed (video, 5 min)
- How to prepare for a good Confession (Real + True) on Formed (video, 6 min)
- Confession: Answering Common Objections by Dr. Scott Hahn on Formed (audio, 1 hr 13 min)
- The Healing Power of Confession by Dr. Scott Hahn on Formed (audio, 1 hr 14 min)
- Freedom Through Forgiveness: The Sacrament of Confession by Ken Yasinski on Formed (audio, 46 min)
- Confession by Father Larry Richards on Formed (audio, 54 min)
- Seven Secrets of Confession by Vinny Flynn on Formed (audio, 42 min)
- The Sacrament of Penance by Father William Casey on Formed (audio, 1 hr 3 min)
- CCC 1066-1112, 1135-1209
-See Booklet at Church Entrance
Pillar Three:
- CCC 1691-2082
- CCC 2083-2141
- CCC 2142-2195
- CCC 2196-2330
- CCC 2331-2400
- CCC 2514-2533
- CCC 2401-2463, 2534-2557
- CCC 2464-2513
Pillar Four:
- CCC 2558-2567
- CCC 2568-2649
- CCC 1135-1209, 2650-2662
- CCC 2663-2758
- CCC 1803-1845
- CCC 337-349, 374-379
- CCC 905, 897-913, 2822-2827