Parish School of Religion

PSR provides catechetical instruction to children and youth who attend public schools, so that young people can grow in intimacy with Jesus, be knowledgeable about their faith, and prepare them to receive the Sacraments.

Classes are held each Sunday from 8:50 AM to 9:50 AM (Grades K-5th)

Notes For Parents

  • Arrive at 8:45 am. Bring students into classrooms.

  • Parents need to tell assistants whether their child will go to Mass after class or be picked up to go home.

  • At 9:50 students will be dismissed. Students attending Mass will go to back door of school.

  • Parents will pick up students and go to Mass.

  • Students being picked up to go home will be on the front porch of the school. Cars are to come from McKay Street south, down Cherokee street and teachers will dismiss students when you arrive. Do not come into the parking lot.

See you at class & at Holy Mass!

PSR Staff for 2024-2025 School Year:

Director of Religious Education: Mrs. Diane Deplue

Kindergarten & First Grade Catechists: Mrs. Kendra Kunshek and Mrs. Patti Shockley

Second Grade Catechist: Mrs. Anna Terlip

Second Grade Assistant: Mrs. Cory Martin

Third Grade Catechist: Mrs. Susie Murray

Third Grade Assistant: Ms. Caitlyn Boyce

Fourth & Fifth Grade Catechist: Mrs. Kelly Schaub

Fourth & Fifth Grade Assistant: Mrs. Vicki Bledsoe

Faith Formation at Home on Formed

the importance of family formation

Coming soon to Sacred Heart Catholic Church